All FSC Teams
Australia Austria Bangladesh Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Brazil Bulgaria Canada China Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Ecuador Egypt Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Ireland Israel Italy Japan Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Latvia Malaysia Mexico Moldova Netherlands New Zealand Nigeria North Macedonia Norway Pakistan Poland Portugal Qatar Romania Russia Saudi Arabia Serbia Singapore Slovakia Slovenia South Africa South Korea Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Thailand Türkiye Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Venezuela
Australia | 12 Teams | ||
Adelaide | University of Adelaide | University of Adelaide Racing Concepts | |
Bentley | Curtin University | Curtin Motorsport Team | |
Brisbane | University of Queensland | UQ Racing | |
Callaghan | The University of Newcastle | NU Racing | |
Geelong | Deakin University | Deakin Race Technologies | |
Joondalup | Edith Cowan University | Edith Cowan University Racing | |
Melbourne | Monash University | Monash Motorsport | |
Melbourne | RMIT University | RMIT Racing | |
Melbourne | Swinburne University of Technology | team Swinburne | |
Perth | University of Western Australia | UWA Motorsport | |
Sydney | University of New South Wales | UNSW Redback Racing | |
Sydney | University of Technology, Sydney | UTS Motorsports | |
Austria | 4 Teams | ||
Graz | Technische Universität Graz | TU Graz Racing Team |
Graz | Fachhochschule Joanneum Graz | joanneum racing graz |
Wien | Technische Universität Wien | TUW Racing | |
Wien | FH Campus Wien | Os.Car Racing Team | |
Bangladesh | 3 Teams | ||
Dhaka | Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology | Team Swapnojan | |
Khulna | Khulna University of Engineering & Technology | KILO FLIGHT |
Rajshahi | Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology | Crack Platoon | |
Belgium | 3 Teams | ||
Antwerpen | Karel de Grote University College | KdG Automotive | |
Leuven | KU Leuven - Group T Campus | Formula Group T | |
Sint-Katelijne-Waver | Thomas More Mechelen - De Nayer | Lessius Racing Team | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 2 Teams | ||
Mostar | University of Mostar | FSRacing Team | |
Sarajevo | University of Sarajevo | Arger Racing FS Team | |
Brazil | 10 Teams | ||
Belo Horizonte | Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais | Fórmula CEFAST | |
Belo Horizonte | Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais | Formula SAE UFMG Team | |
Campinas | Universidade Estadual de Campinas | Equipe FSAE-UNICAMP |
Itajubá | Universidade Federal de Itajubá - Itajubá | Cheetah Racing UNIFEI |
São Caetano do Sul | Instituto Mauá de Tecnologia | Maua Racing | |
São Carlos | Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos da Universidade de São Paulo | EESC - USP Formula SAE | |
São João del-Rei | Universidade Federal de São João del Rei | Formula Del-Racing | |
Sao Paulo | Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo | Equipe Poli Racing | |
Sorocaba | Centro Universitário Facens | V8 Racing | |
Uberlândia | Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - UFU | UFU Racing | |
Bulgaria | 1 Team | ||
Sofia | Technical University of Sofia | TU-Sofia Racing Team | |
Canada | 11 Teams | ||
Edmonton | University of Alberta | University of Alberta FSAE | |
London | Western University | Western Formula Racing |
Montréal | École Polytechnique de Montréal | EPM Motorsport | |
Montréal | École de Technologie Superieure | Formule ETS |
Montréal | McGill University | McGill Racing Team |
Oshawa | University of Ontario Institute of Technology | UOIT Motorsports | |
Toronto | University of Toronto | UToronto Racing |
Victoria | University of Victoria | UVic Racing | |
Waterloo | University of Waterloo | University of Waterloo Formula Motorsports | |
Windsor | University of Windsor | Lancer Motorsports | |
Winnipeg | University of Manitoba | Polar Bear Racing | |
China | 17 Teams | ||
Beijing | Beijing Institute of Technology | BIT-RACING | |
Beijing | Tsinghua University | THU Racing | |
Changchun | Jilin University | Gspeed Formula Racing Team of Jilin University |
Changsha | Hunan University | Hunan University Racing Team |
Jiaxing City | TongJi ZheJiang College | Dragon Racing Team | |
Jinzhou | Liaoning University of Technology | LUT | |
Liuzhou | Guangxi University of Science and Technology | GXUST Racing | |
Qingdao | Qingdao Technological University | QTU | |
Shanghai | Tongji University | TJU Racing | |
Shenyang | Northeastern University | NEU DUN Racing Team | |
Shenzhen | Shenzhen Technology University | Aurora Formula E Racing Team | |
Shiyan | Hubei University of Automotive Technology | HUAT Racing Team | |
Tianjin | Tianjin University | Peiyang Power Racing | |
Tianjin | Tianjin University Internal Combustion Engine Research Institute | TU-TICERI FSAE TEAM | |
Weihai | Harbin Institute of Technology at Weihai | HRT | |
Xi'an | Xi'an Jiaotong University | Xi'an Jiaotong University YiXing Racing Team | |
Xiamen | Xiamen University of Technology | AMOY | |
Croatia | 3 Teams | ||
Rijeka | University of Rijeka | Riteh Racing Team |
Split | University of Split | FESB Racing | |
Zagreb | University of Zagreb | FSB Racing Team |
Cyprus | 2 Teams | ||
Nicosia | Frederick University | FUF Racing Team | |
Nicosia | University of Cyprus | Formula Racing Team of University of Cyprus |
Czech Republic | 6 Teams | ||
Brno | Brno University of Technology | TU Brno Racing |
Liberec | Technical University of Liberec | FS TUL Racing | |
Ostrava | VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava | Formula TU Ostrava |
Plzen | University of West Bohemia | Racing Team Pilsen |
Prague | Czech University of Life Sciences Prague | CULS Prague Formula Racing |
Prague | Czech Technical University in Prague | CTU CarTech |
Denmark | 3 Teams | ||
Aalborg | Aalborg University | AAU Racing | |
Horsens | VIA University College | VIA-Hunters Racing Team | |
Odense | University of Southern Denmark | SDU - Vikings Racing Team | |
Ecuador | 3 Teams | ||
Cuenca | Universidad Politecnica Salesiana | UPS RACING TEAM | |
Latacunga | Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas - ESPE | FESPE PZRacing Team | |
Quito | Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial | GT | |
Egypt | 12 Teams | ||
Alexandria | Alexandria University | Alexandria University Motorsports |
Alexandria | Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport (AASTMT) | AAM Racing Team | |
Ash Sharqia | Higher Technological Institute | HTI formula student | |
Assiut | Assiut University | Formula Assiut | |
Giza | Cairo University | Cairo Uni Racing Team | |
Helwan | Helwan University (جامعة حلوان) | brave RT Uni Helwan-Matria | |
Kafr El-Shaikh | Kafrelsheikh University | Kafr El Sheikh Racing Team | |
Menoufiya | Menoufia University | Menoufia Formula Student | |
New Cairo | German University in Cairo | GUC Students Automotive Society | |
New Cairo | Canadian International Collage - New Cairo | Radix CIC Racing Team | |
Qena | South Valley University | SVU Formula Team | |
Zagazig | Zagazig University | ZUFS Racing Team | |
Estonia | 1 Team | ||
Tallinn | Tallinn TU UAS | FS Team Tallinn | |
Finland | 4 Teams | ||
Espoo | Helsinki University of Technology | Otaniemi Flying Finns | |
Helsinki | Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences | Metropolia Motorsport | |
Oulu | University of Oulu | Formula Student Oulu |
Tampere | TAMK University of Applied Sciences | Tampere Formula Student |
France | 14 Teams | ||
Brest | ENSTA Bretagne | ENSTA Bretagne Racing Team | |
Compiègne | Université de Technologie de Compiègne | UTC Racing Team | |
Ecully | École Centrale de Lyon | Ecurie Piston Sport Auto |
Levallois-Perret | ESTACA - Paris-Saclay (Ecole Supérieure des Techniques Aéronautiques et de Construction Automobile) | Estaca Formula Team | |
Lille | École Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Métiers de Lille | Formula Student Arts & Métiers | |
Marseille | Aix-Marseille Université | Marseille Racing | |
Metz | Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Metz | Metz Racing Team |
Nanterre | CESI École d’ingénieurs - Nanterre | CESI RACE | |
Nevers | University of Burgundy - ISAT | ISAT Formula Team |
Rennes | Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Rennes | Formula Student INSA Rennes | |
Tarbes | Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Tarbes | Concept65 Racing Team | |
Versailles | Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines | DMS Racing Team | |
Villeurbanne | National Institute of Applied Sciences Lyon | INSA Racing Team | |
Villeurbanne | Polytech Lyon - École d'ingénieurs de l'Université Lyon 1 | Polytech Racing Team | |
Germany | 71 Teams | ||
Aachen | Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen | Ecurie Aix - Formula Student Team RWTH Aachen e.V. | |
Aachen | Fachhochschule Aachen | Aixtreme Racing |
Amberg | Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden (OTH) | Running Snail Racing Team | |
Bayreuth | Universität Bayreuth | Elefant Racing | |
Berlin | Technische Universität Berlin | FaSTTUBe Combustion |
Berlin | Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin | HTW Motorsport |
Berlin | Berlin School of Economics | BA Motors | |
Bochum | Ruhr-Universität Bochum | RUB Motorsport |
Braunschweig | Technische Universität Braunschweig | Lions Racing Team | |
Coburg | Fachhochschule Coburg | CAT-Racing |
Cottbus | Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus | BTU-Motorsport |
Darmstadt | Technische Universität Darmstadt | Akademische Motorsportgruppe Darmstadt e.V. | |
Darmstadt | Hochschule Darmstadt, UAS | Formula Student Team Darmstadt |
Deggendorf | Deggendorf Institute of Technology | Fast Forest | |
Diepholz | Fachhochschule für Wirtschaft und Technik | Deefholt Dynamics e.V. |
Dortmund | Technische Universität Dortmund | GET racing Dortmund e.V. |
Dortmund | Fachhochschule Dortmund | FH-Dortmund Race-Ing. |
Dresden | Technische Universität Dresden | Elbflorace | |
Erlangen | Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg | High-Octane Motorsports e.V. (CV) |
Esslingen | Hochschule Esslingen | Rennstall Esslingen |
Frankfurt a.M. | Fachhochschule Frankfurt am Main | FH Frankfurt am Main Racing Team | |
Freiberg | Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg | Racetech Racing Team TU Bergakademie Freiberg e.V. | |
Gießen | Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen | THM Motorsport |
Hamburg | Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg | HAWKS Racing e. V. |
Hamburg | Helmut Schmidt Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg | Eleven-O-Six Racing Team | |
Hamburg | Technische Universität Hamburg | e-gnition | |
Hannover | Leibniz Universität Hannover | HorsePower Hannover e.V. | |
Hannover | Hochschule Hannover | Campus Motorsport Hannover | |
Heilbronn | Hochschule Heilbronn | HHN Racing e.V. |
Horb am Neckar | Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Stuttgart Campus Horb | Dual Racing DHBW Campus Horb | |
Ilmenau | Technische Universität Ilmenau | Team StarCraft e.V. | |
Kaiserslautern | Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau | Kaiserslautern Racing Team | |
Karlsruhe | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | KA-RaceIng Combustion |
Karlsruhe | Hochschule Karlsruhe | High Speed Karlsruhe |
Kassel | Universität Kassel | Herkules Racing Team Kassel |
Kempten | UAS Kempten | Infinity Racing - Rennteam der Hochschule Kempten e.V. |
Kiel | Fachhochschule Kiel | raceyard | |
Koblenz | Koblenz University of Applied Science | Rhein-Mosel-Motorsport | |
Köln | Technische Hochschule Köln | Formula Racing Cologne | |
Konstanz | Fachhochschule Konstanz | Bodensee Racing Team |
Krefeld | Hochschule Niederrhein | HSNR Racing |
Lemgo | Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe | OWL Racing-Team |
Lübeck | Technische Hochschule Lübeck | Seagulls Luebeck |
Magdeburg | Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg | UMD Racing e.V. |
Mannheim | Hochschule Mannheim | Delta Racing Mannheim |
Mittweida | Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Mittweida | Technikum Mittweida Motorsport |
Mosbach | Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Mosbach | | |
München | Technical University of Munich | TUfast |
München | Fachhochschule München | municHMotorsport |
München | Universität der Bundeswehr München | ATHENE RacingTeam | |
Offenburg | Hochschule Offenburg | Black Forest Formula Team | |
Osnabrück | Fachhochschule Osnabrück | Ignition Racing Team | |
Paderborn | Universität Paderborn | UPBracingTeam e.V. |
Pforzheim | Hochschule Pforzheim | Rennschmiede Pforzheim | |
Ravensburg | Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Ravensburg | Global Formula Racing (DE) | |
Regensburg | Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg | Dynamics e.V. Combustion |
Saarbrücken | Saarland University | Saar Racing Team | |
Sankt Augustin | Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg | BRS Motorsport e.V. | |
Schmalkalden | FH Schmalkalden | Rennsteig Motorsport e.V. | |
Schweinfurt | UAS Würzburg-Schweinfurt | Mainfranken Racing |
Siegen | Universität Siegen | Speeding Scientists Siegen e.V. | |
Stralsund | Fachhochschule Stralsund | Baltic Racing |
Stuttgart | Universität Stuttgart | Rennteam Uni Stuttgart |
Stuttgart | Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Stuttgart | DHBW Engineering Stuttgart |
Ulm | Ulm University of Applied Sciences | Einstein Motorsport |
Weingarten | University of Applied Sciences Ravensburg-Weingarten | Formula Student Team Weingarten |
Wiesbaden | Hochschule RheinMain | Scuderia Mensa HS RheinMain Racing |
Wilhelmshaven | Jade Hochschule | Racing Revolution e.V. | |
Wolfenbüttel | Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences | Team wob-racing | |
Wuppertal | Bergische Universität Wuppertal | Green Lion Racing |
Zwickau | Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau | WHZ Racing Team | |
Greece | 12 Teams | ||
Athens | National Technical University of Athens | Prom Racing | |
Athens | University of West Attica | Poseidon Racing Team | |
Chania | Technical University of Crete | Formula Students Technical University of Crete |
Heraklion | Hellenic Mediterranean University | Minautor Racing Team | |
Kozani | University of Western Macedonia | PERSEUS Racing |
PATRA | Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece | FPone | |
Patras | University of Patras | UoP Racing |
Thermi | International Hellenic University | Daedalus Racing Team | |
Thessaloniki | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | Aristotle Racing Team |
Tripoli | University of Peloponnese | Pelops Racing Team | |
Volos | University of Thessaly | Centaurus Racing Team |
Xanthi | Democritus University of Thrace | Democritus Racing Team (DRT) |
Hungary | 6 Teams | ||
Budapest | Budapest University of Technology and Economics | BME Motorsport |
Budapest | Óbuda University | Obuda University Racing Team |
Debrecen | University of Debrecen | Cívis Racing Team | |
Győr | Széchenyi István University | Arrabona Racing Team |
Kecskemét | John von Neumann University | Neumann Formula Student Team | |
Miskolc | University of Miskolc | Formula Racing Miskolc |
Iceland | 1 Team | ||
Reykjavík | Reykjavík University | RU Racing |
India | 169 Teams | ||
Ahmedabad | Indus University | THE VAYUPUTRAS | |
Ahmedabad | Nirma University | TEAM STALLIONS | |
Aligarh | Aligarh Muslim University | ZHCET Formula Racing |
Alwar | Laxmi Devi Institute of Engineering & Technology | Torque India Racing Club | |
Ambav | Rajendra Mane College of Engineering and Technology | MH-08 Racing |
Aurangabad | MGM's Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College | VAAYU | |
Aurangabad | Government College of Engineering, Aurangabad | Formula Geca | |
Bangalore | R.V.College of Engineering | Ashwa Racing | |
Bangalore | Ramaiah Institute of Technology | Velocita Racing |
Bangalore | PES Institute of Technology | Team Vidyuth | |
Bangalore | BMS College of Engineering | Bullz Racing | |
Bangalore | Bangalore Institute of Technology | BIT Formula Racing | |
Bangalore | Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering - Bangalore | Transformers | |
Bangalore | Sir M. Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology | Vulkan Motorsports | |
Bangalore | PES University | Team Haya Racing | |
Bangalore | Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology | Team Arion | |
Bangalore | Visvesvaraya Technological University | Tachyon Motorsport | |
Belgaum | Gogte Institute of Technology | Vijayrath Racing | |
Bengaluru | Acharya Institute of Technology | Max Torque Racing | |
Bhopal | Oriental Institute of Science & Technology | QUASARS | |
bhopal | University Institute of Technology RGPV Bhopal | Team Infinity Racers | |
Bhubaneswar | Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology | Hermes Racing |
Bikaner | Engineering College Bikaner | Garud Racing | |
Bilaspur | Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya | Celeritas Automotive | |
Calicut | National Institute of Technology - Calicut | Team Unwired | |
Chandigarh | PEC University of Technology | Aziz Luna | |
Chandigarh | Chandigarh Engineering College | speedy racers | |
Chandigarh | Panjab University | STORM-BREAKERS | |
Chandigarh | Chandigarh College of Engineering and Technology | Team Corsa | |
Changa | Charotar University of Science and Technology | Team Ojaswat | |
Chennai | Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science | Yodha Racing | |
Chennai | Indian Institute of Technology Madras | Raftar Formula Racing |
Chennai | VIT University - Chennai | Shaurya Racing | |
Chennai | SRM Institute of Science and Technology - Kattankulathur | Camber Racing |
Chennai | Vel Tech Multi Tech Dr.Rangarajan Dr.Sakunthala Engineering College | Fast and Furious Motorsports | |
Chennai | Madras Institute of Technology | Team Racing Nemos | |
Chennai | SRM Institute of Science and Technology - Ramapuram | Hawkz Racing | |
Chennai | Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology | Astral Racing | |
Coimbatore | Sri Krishna College of Engineering And Technology | Gepard Racing | |
Coimbatore | Dr. Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology | MCET Renn | |
Coimbatore | PSG College of Technology | Pegasus Racing |
Coimbatore | United Institute of Technology | Indian Jaguar Racing | |
Coimbatore | PSG Institute of Advanced Studies | globus racing | |
Coimbatore | Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore | Amrita Racing | |
Coimbatore | Kumaraguru College of Technology | Team Sakthi Racing | |
Dehradun | Graphic Era University | GEUmotorsports | |
Dehradun | DIT University | DIT MOTORACING |
Delhi | Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University | AIOUS Racing Team | |
Delhi | Gandhi Institute of Research and Development | Horizon Raciing | |
Delhi | HMR Institute of Technology & Management | Mechsonic Racing | |
Delhi | Delhi Technological University | Team Defianz Racing | |
Dhanbad | Indian School of Mines | MECHISMU RACING | |
Dhanbad | Indian Institute of Technology Dhanbad | Team Mechismu | |
Faridabad | Manav Rachna International University | Team coolrunnings | |
Faridabad | J.C. Bose University of Science and Technology, YMCA | Team Mechnext_Racing | |
Gandhinagar | Gujarat Technological University | GTU Motorsports | |
Gandhinagar | Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar | Division Zero Racing Team - IITGN | |
Gautam Buddha Nagar | Galgotias University | Automantra Racing |
Greater Noida | Sharda University, Greater Noida | Tornadoes Racing | |
Guwahati | Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati | Evolution | |
Haldia | Haldia Institute of Technology | MANAB RACING | |
Howrah | MCKV Institute of Engineering | Falcon Racing | |
Hubballi | KLE Technological University | Team Vegadooth Racing |
Hyderabad | VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology | FSAE VNRVJIET | |
Hyderabad | Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology | V1 RACING TEAM | |
Hyderabad | MVSR Engineering College | Ampere Motorsport India | |
hyderabad | Vasavi College of Engineering | Blitz Racing | |
Hyderabad | Guru Nanak Institute of Technology | Super Ignite Motorsports | |
Ichalkaranji | DKTE Society's Textile and Engineering Institute | Trident Racing | |
Indore | Shri G.S. Institute of Technology and Science Indore | GS Motorsports | |
Indore | Acropolis Institute of Technology and Research | Acroracerz |
Indore | Medi-Caps University | MECHASONICS | |
Jaipur | Jaipur Engineering College and Research Centre | Moonriders | |
Jalandhar | National Institute of Technology - Jalandhar | Perianth Racing | |
Kanpur | Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur | IITK Motorsports | |
Kharagpur | Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur | TeamKART |
Kochi | Cochin University of Science and Technology | Yeti Racing | |
Kolhapur | Shivaji University | Elite Racers | |
Kolhapur | D. Y. Patil College of Engineering & Technology, Kasaba Bawada, Kolhapur | DYP Motorsports | |
Kollam | TKM College of Engineering | xlr8racing | |
Kottayam | Saintgits College of Engineering | Madbolt Formula Racing | |
Kurukshetra | National Institute of Technology - Kurukshetra | Team Accelerons | |
Madurai | Thiagarajar College of Engineering | Team Yukta Racing | |
Malout | Malout Instiue Of Management And Information Technology | MALWA RACINGs | |
Mangalore | National Institute of Technology - Karnataka | NITKRacing | |
Mangaluru | Mangalore Institute of Technology and Engineering | Formula MITE Racing | |
Manglore | Sahyadri College of Engineering & Management | Formula Sahyadri | |
Manipal | Manipal Academy of Higher Education | Formula Manipal |
Modinagar | SRM Institute of Science and Technology, NCR Campus | AeroX Motorsports | |
Mohali | Chandigarh University | Indominus Motorsport | |
Mumbai | M.H. Saboo Siddik College of Engineering | Team MHSSC Racing | |
Mumbai | K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering | Orion Racing India |
Mumbai | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay | IIT Bombay Racing Team | |
Mumbai | Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology - Mumbai | Team RGIT Racing |
Mumbai | Dwarkadas. J. Sanghvi College of Engineering | DJS Racing |
Mumbai | Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management and Engineering | Team Enginium MPSTME | |
Mumbai | Sardar Patel College of Engineering, Mumbai | SPCE Racing | |
Mumbai | Fr Conceicao Rodrigues College of Engineering | Team CRCE Formula Racing | |
Mumbai | G.V.Acharya Institute of Engineering & Technology | GVA Motorsports | |
Mumbai | Thakur College of Engineering and Technology | Eclipse Racing | |
Mysore | The National Institute of Engineering, Mysore | Force Ikshvaku Racing | |
Nagpur | St. Vincent Pallotti College of Engineering and Technology | Formula Ashwariders | |
Nanded | Shri Guru Gobind Singhji Institute Of Engineering And Technology | TEAM PRAVEG RACING | |
Navi Mumbai | Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering | Triumphant Racers |
Navi Mumbai | Datta Meghe College of Engineering | Team Indus | |
Navi Mumbai | Pillai College Of Engineering | Hyperion Racing Team |
Navi Mumbai | Saraswati College of Engineering | Prahaar Racing | |
Navi Mumbai | Lokmanya Tilak College of Engineering | SCHNELL Racing |
New Delhi | Indian Institute of Technology Delhi | AXLR8R Formula Racing | |
New Delhi | Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology | KALAM MOTORSPORTS | |
New Delhi | Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women | Aious Formula Student | |
New Delhi | Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology | Bullethawk Racing |
Noida | Amity School of Engineering and Technology | Infinity Motorsport | |
Palghar | Vidyavardhini's College of Engineering and Technology | ETHAN RACING | |
Patiala | Punjabi University | Team UDAY | |
Patiala | Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology | Team Fateh | |
Pennalur | Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering | Traxion Racing | |
Phagwara | Lovely Professional University | Illuminati Racers | |
Pilani | Birla Institute of Technology & Science , Pilani | Inspired Karters | |
Puducherry | Puducherry Technological University | Vigor Racing | |
Pune | Maharashtra Institute of Technology | Acceleracers | |
Pune | Sinhgad College of Engineering, Vadgaon | STES Racing |
Pune | Sinhgad Academy Of Engineering | Team VAMOS AUTOCROSS |
Pune | Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering | Team Kratos Racing |
Pune | D Y Patil University Pune, Ambi | Team Revolution |
Pune | COEP Technological University | Team Octane Racing | |
Pune | Padmabhooshan Vasantdada Patil Institute Of Technology | Team PVPIT | |
Pune | Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute Of Engineering and Technology | The Interceptors | |
Pune | Smt. Kashibai Navale College of Engineering | STES's Stallion Motorsport |
Pune | Rajarshi Shahu College Of Engineering | Redline Racing | |
Pune | DY Patil College of Engineering Akurdi | The Metal Falcons | |
pune | P.E.S. Modern College of Engineering | Formula Team Pegasus | |
Pune | AISSMS (All India Shri Shivaji Memorial Society's) College of Engineering | Resonance Racing |
Pune | Symbiosis Institute of Technology | Wrench Wielders Racing | |
Pune | MIT World Peace University | Acceleracers | |
Pune | TSSM’s Bhivarabai Sawant College of Engineering & Research | Team Mirage | |
Pune | Vishwakarma Institute of Technology | Veloce Racing | |
Pune | NBN Sinhgad School Of Engineering | T-REX Motorsports | |
pune | Rajashrishau School of Engineering and Research , Narhe | Team Blackspanners | |
Pune | Zeal College of Engineering and Research | Team Racing Pioneers | |
Pune | Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology | Vishwaracers | |
Pune | Savitribai Phule Pune University | Team Maverick | |
Pune | Pune Vidyarti Griha's college of Engineering and Technology | Team Maverick | |
Pune | RMD Sinhgad School of Engineering | Tornado Motorsports | |
Pune | Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering & Research | Team Eminent Racing | |
Pune | MIT Art, Design and Technology University | Speedtail Racing | |
Pune | Dhole Patil College of Engineering | Team Screwdrivers | |
Punjab | Chitkara University, Punjab | Team Lakshya | |
Raipur | National Institute of Technology, Raipur | TEAM UNITED RACING | |
Ranchi | National Institute of Foundry and Forge Technology | NIFFT | |
Ranchi | Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra | Team Srijan |
Rourkela | National Institute of Technology - Rourkela | Team Roadrunner | |
Sambalpur | Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology | VeerRacerss | |
Sangamner | Amrutvahini College Of Engineering, Sangamner | Team Rousing | |
Sangli | Rajarambapu Institute of Technology | Nequit | |
Sathyamangalam | Bannari Amman Institute of Technology | Falcon racing | |
Shegaon | Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj CE | Team SSGMCE Racing | |
Sikar | Bhartiya Institute of Engineering and Technology | BIET DragSports |
solapur | Solapur University | Team BrahMos Racing | |
Sonepat | Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science & Technology | Blackarc | |
Surat | Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology | Phoenix Racing SVNIT |
Thanjavur | SASTRA Deemed To Be University | SASTRA Racing Team | |
Thiruvananathapuram | College of Engineering Trivandrum | Zenith Motorsport | |
Thrissur | Government Engineering College - Thrissur | PetronARC | |
Vellore | VIT University - Vellore | Pravega Racing |
Vijayawada | K L University | KREINTO RACING | |
Warangal | Kakatiya Institute of Technology and Science, Warangal | Force Racing |
Warangal | National Institute of Technology - Warangal | Mechxhausters |
Zuarinagar | BITS Pilani KK Birla Goa Campus | Team Grease Monkeys | |
Indonesia | 3 Teams | ||
Depok | University of Indonesia | UI Racing Team |
Surakarta | Sebelas Maret University | Bengawan Formula Student Team UNS | |
Yogyakarta | Gadjah Mada University | Bimasakti Racing Team | |
Iran | 8 Teams | ||
Arak | Iran University of Science and Technology - Arak | IUST Racing | |
Isfahan | Isfahan University of Technology | IUT Racing Team | |
Kermanshah | Razi University | Razi Racing | |
Mashhad | Ferdowsi University of Mashad | Caspian | |
Rasht | University of Guilan | Raman Motorsport | |
Tehran | Sharif University of Technology | Aria Motorsport | |
Tehran | University of Tehran | Persis Motorsport | |
Tehran | Iran University of Science and Technology | Isutac | |
Ireland | 2 Teams | ||
Dublin | University College Dublin | UCD Racing | |
Dublin | Trinity College, University of Dublin | Formula Trinity | |
Israel | 3 Teams | ||
Be'er Sheva | Ben-Gurion University of the Negev | Ben-Gurion Racing | |
Haifa | Technion - Israel Institute of Technology | Formula Technion |
Tel Aviv | Tel Aviv University | TAU Racecar Design | |
Italy | 22 Teams | ||
Ancon | Marche Polytechnic University | Polimarche Racing Team |
Arcavacata di Rende | Università della Calabria | Unical Reparto Corse |
Bari | Politecnico di Bari | Poliba Corse |
Bologna | Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna | UniBo Motorsport |
Brescia | University of Brescia | UniBS Motorsport |
Cagliari | Università degli Studi di Cagliari | UnicaR | |
Caserta | Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli | Scuderia Vanvitelli | |
Firenze | Università degli Studi di Firenze | Firenze Race Team |
Fisciano | Università degli Studi di Salerno | Unisa Racing Team | |
Lecce | Università del Salento | Salento Racing Team | |
MEssina | University of Messina | FSMT | |
Milano | Politecnico di Milano | Dynamis PRC |
Modena | University of Modena and Reggio Emilia | MoRe Modena Racing | |
Napoli | Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II | UniNa Corse - Squadra Corse "Federico II" | |
Padova | Università degli studi di Padova | RaceUP Hybrid Padova |
Parma | Università degli Studi di Parma | Unipr Racing Team | |
Perugia | University of Perugia | UniPG Racing Team |
Pisa | Università di Pisa | E-Team Squadra Corse |
Roma | Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" | Sapienza Corse |
Roma | Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata | Scuderia Tor Vergata |
Turin | Politecnico di Torino | Squadra Corse Politecnico di Torino | |
Viterbo | Università degli Studi della Tuscia | Unitus Racing Team | |
Japan | 5 Teams | ||
Hatoyama | Tokyo Denki University | Tokyo Denki University Formula SAE Project | |
Kanazawa | Kanazawa University | Kanazawa Univ. Formula R&D | |
Suita | Osaka University | Osaka Univ. Formula RAcing Club | |
Tokyo | Sophia University | Sophia Racing | |
Tokyo | The University of Tokyo | The University of Tokyo Formula Factory | |
Kazakhstan | 2 Teams | ||
Almaty | Suleyman Demirel University | n1racing | |
Astana | Nazarbayev University | NUFormulaS | |
Kyrgyzstan | 1 Team | ||
Bishkek | Ala-Too International University | Ilbirs Racing Team | |
Latvia | 1 Team | ||
Riga | Rīgas Tehniskā universitāte | FS RTU | |
Malaysia | 1 Team | ||
Subang Jaya | Taylor's University | NGF College | |
Mexico | 2 Teams | ||
Mexico City | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | UNAM Motorsports |
San Luis Potosi | ESIA San Luis Potosi | SLP Motorsports | |
Moldova | 1 Team | ||
Chișinău | Technical University of Moldova | Formula Student Team UTM | |
Netherlands | 4 Teams | ||
Arnhem | HAN University of Applied Sciences | HAN Formula Student Team | |
Delft | TU Delft | Delft University of Technology Racing Team | |
Eindhoven | Technische Universiteit Eindhoven | University Racing Eindhoven | |
Groningen | Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen | Hanze Racing Division | |
New Zealand | 1 Team | ||
Auckland | University of Auckland | The University of Auckland Formula SAE Team |
Nigeria | 2 Teams | ||
Awka | Nnamdi Azikiwe University | Nigerian Formula 1 | |
Ota | Covenant University | Hebron Motorsports | |
North Macedonia | 1 Team | ||
Skopje | Ss. Cyril and Methodius University | MES Racing | |
Norway | 3 Teams | ||
Kristiansand | University of Agder | Align Racing UiA |
Stavanger | University of Stavanger | Formula Student Team UiS | |
Trondheim | Norwegian University of Science and Technology | Revolve NTNU | |
Pakistan | 10 Teams | ||
Islamabad | Pakistan Institute of Engineering & Applied Sciences | PIEAS Formula Student | |
Islamabad | International Islamic University | Thunderbird Formula Team | |
Islamabad | University of Lahore - Islamabad | Vendetta Motorsports | |
Karachi | National University of Sciences and Technology - Karachi | NUST Formula Student Team |
Karachi | Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology | Formula ZAB | |
Karachi | DHA Suffa University | TEAM DSU BUR'RAQ | |
Karachi | NED University of Engineering and Technology | NED Racers | |
Lahore | University of Engineering and Technology | Ape Technology | |
Taxila | Heavy Industry Taxila Education Complex University | Team Renegades | |
Topi | Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology | Burraq Racing Team | |
Poland | 8 Teams | ||
Białystok | Białystok University of Technology | Cerber Motorsport |
Gdańsk | Gdańsk University of Technology | PGRacing Team |
Gliwice | Silesian University of Technology | PolSl Racing |
Kraków | AGH University of Science and Technology | AGH Racing | |
Poznan | Poznan University of Technology | PUT Motorsport |
Rzeszów | Rzeszów University of Technology | PRz Racing Team |
Warsaw | Warsaw University of Technology | WUT Racing |
Wrocław | Wroclaw University of Technology | PWR Racing Team |
Portugal | 7 Teams | ||
Aveiro | University of Aveiro | Engenius UA Formula Student |
Coimbra | Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra | phisec racing | |
Leiria | Polytechnic Institute of Leiria | FSIPLeiria |
Lisboa | Universidade de Lisboa - Instituto Superior Técnico | Projecto FST | |
Lisboa | Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa | ISEL Formula Student | |
Lisboa | Universidade NOVA de Lisboa | NFS | |
Setúbal | Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal | Formula Student Instituto politécnico de Setúbal | |
Qatar | 1 Team | ||
Doha | Qatar University | Alfares | |
Romania | 4 Teams | ||
Brasov | Universitatea Transilvania din Braşov | BlueStreamline |
Bucharest | University Politehnica Of Bucharest | UPB Drive | |
Iasi | Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iaşi | T.U.Iasi Racing Team |
Timișoara | Universitatea Politehnica Timișoara | UPT Racing Team | |
Russia | 17 Teams | ||
Belgorod | Belgorod state technological university named after V. G. Shukhov | Shukhov Racing Team | |
Chelyabinsk | South Ural State University | Heart of Ural | |
Cherepovets | Cherepovets State University | Chsu Racing Team | |
Ekaterinburg | Ural State University of Railway Transport | Usurt |
Khanty-Mansiysk | Yugra State University | Formula Student Ugra | |
Moscow | Moscow State Automobile & Road Technical University - MADI | Formula Student MADI |
Moscow | Moscow Polytechnic University | FDR Moscow |
Moscow | Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science | Formula MGUPI | |
Moscow | Bauman Moscow State Technical University | Bauman Racing |
Moscow | Peoples' Friendship University of Russia | FS RUDN | |
Nizhny Novgorod | Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University | AMIgo | |
St. Petersburg | Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University | Polytech North Capital Motorsport CV | |
St. Petersburg | Saint Petersburg Mining University | Saint Team | |
Togliatti | Togliatti State University | Togliatti Racing Team | |
Tyumen | Tyumen Industrial University | Neftegaz Engineering |
Ufa | Ufa State Aviation Technical University | UGATU Racing Team | |
Voronezh | Voronezh State Technical University | VoRTechs FS Team | |
Saudi Arabia | 3 Teams | ||
Jiddah | King Abdulaziz University-Jeddah | Jeddah Formula Racing | |
Riyadh | King Saud University | King Saud University Formula team | |
Riyadh | Alfaisal University | Haizum | |
Serbia | 1 Team | ||
Belgrade | University of Belgrade | Road Arrow Combustion Team |
Singapore | 1 Team | ||
Singapore | Nanyang Technological University | Nanfesu TU | |
Slovakia | 2 Teams | ||
Bratislava | Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava | AM Team |
Trenčín | Trenčianska univerzita Alexandra Dubčeka v Trenčíne | TnUni TechDrive | |
Slovenia | 2 Teams | ||
Ljubljana | University of Ljubljana | Superior Engineering - Formula student Team Ljubljana | |
Maribor | University of Maribor | UNI Maribor Grand Prix Engineering |
South Africa | 2 Teams | ||
Cape Town | Cape Peninsula University of Technology | Cape Speed | |
Port Elizabeth | Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University | NMMU Racing | |
South Korea | 2 Teams | ||
Cheongju | Chungbuk National University | ABC | |
Seoul | Kookmin University | Kookmin Racing |
Spain | 24 Teams | ||
Badajoz | Universidad de Extremadura | Unex Motorsport |
Barcelona | Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering - ETSEIB - UPC | ETSEIB Motorsport | |
Barcelona | Salesian University School of Sarrià - EUSS | EUSS Motorsport | |
Bilbao | University of the Basque Country | Formula Student Bizkaia | |
Cartagena | Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena | UPCT Racing Team | |
Castellón de la Plana | Universitat Jaume I | UJI Motorsport FS Team | |
Ciudad Real | Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha | UCLM Racing Team | |
Córdoba | Universidad de Córdoba | CRT UCO | |
Leganés | University Carlos III of Madrid | MAD Formula Team |
León | Universidad de León | RACING TEAM UNIVERSIDAD DE LEON | |
Madrid | Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) | UPM Racing |
Madrid | Universidad Francisco de Vitoria | UFV Racing Team |
Málaga | University of Malaga | Malaga Racing Team | |
Manresa | Escola Politècnica Superior d'Enginyeria de Manresa | Dynamics UPC Manresa |
Móstoles | Universidad Rey Juan Carlos | U Motorsport | |
Puerto Real | University of Cadiz | Formula Gades | |
San Sebastián | TECNUN - University of Navarra | Tecnun Motorsport |
Sevilla | University of Seville | ARUSc |
Valéncia | Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia | FSUPV Team |
Valladolid | University of Valladolid | VallRacing Team - Universidad de Valladolid | |
Vigo | Universidad de Vigo | UVigo Motorsport |
Vilanova i la Geltrú | Escola Politècnica Superior d'Enginyeria de Vilanova i la Geltrú UPC | Nova Racing Team | |
Villaviciosa de Odón | Universidad Europea de Madrid | Formula UEM | |
Zaragoza | Universidad de Zaragoza | Formula Student Unizar | |
Sweden | 5 Teams | ||
Göteborg | Chalmers University of Technology | Chalmers Formula Student | |
Karlstad | Karlstad University | Clear River Racing | |
Linköping | Linköping University | LiU Formula Student |
Lund | Lund University | Lund Formula Student |
Stockholm | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | KTH Racing | |
Switzerland | 1 Team | ||
Zürich | ETH Zürich | Akademischer Motorsportverein Zürich | |
Taiwan | 2 Teams | ||
Hsinchu | National Tsing Hua University | NTHU Racing | |
Tainan | National Cheng Kung University | NCKU Formula Racing | |
Thailand | 6 Teams | ||
Bangkok | King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi | Black Pearl | |
Bangkok | Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology | CarreraZ | |
Bangkok | Kasetsart University | Dongtaan racing | |
Bangkok | King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang | INITIAL |
Chonburi | Kasetsart University Sriracha campus | Green KUSRC III | |
Songkhla | Prince of Songkla University | Lookprabida |
Türkiye | 24 Teams | ||
Adana | Çukurova University | Cukurova Racing | |
Ankara | Gazi University | GaziTech | |
Ankara | Hacettepe University | Hacettepe Racing |
Ankara | Middle East Technical University | METU Formula Racing | |
Ankara | Çankaya University | Cankaya Hornet Racing | |
Ankara | Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University | Bernoulli FS Racing | |
Bursa | Uludağ University | Uludag Racing |
Elazığ | Fırat University | Firat Racing | |
Erzurum | Ataturk University | AtaUni Racing | |
Eskişehir | Eskişehir Technical University | ESTU Racing | |
Istanbul | Istanbul Technical University | TU Istanbul Racing |
Istanbul | Yıldız Technical University | YTU Racing |
Istanbul | Ozyegin University | OzU Racing | |
Istanbul | Turkish-German University | TGU Racing | |
İzmir | Dokuz Eylül University | DEU Formula Racing Team |
Izmir | Izmir University of Economics | IUE Formula Racing | |
Izmir | Izmir Katip Celebi University | IKC-Racing | |
Izmir | Izmir Institute of Technology | IZTECH RACING Formula Student Team |
Izmir | Ege University | Ege Formula Racing | |
Karabuk | Karabuk University | Unika Racing | |
Kayseri | Meliksah University | Meliksah Racing | |
Kocaeli | University of Kocaeli | KouFormula |
Konya | Selçuk University | Konrul Racing Team | |
Sakarya | Sakarya Universtiy | SAU Formula | |
Ukraine | 2 Teams | ||
Kiev | National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" | Formula Student KPI | |
Odessa | Odessa Polytechnic National State University | Formula Student ONPU |
United Arab Emirates | 2 Teams | ||
Abu Dhabi | Khalifa University | Omran Altunaiji | |
Dubai | Birla Institute of Science and Technology Pilani - Dubai | BITS Dubai Motorsports | |
United Kingdom | 35 Teams | ||
Aberdeen | University of Aberdeen | TAU Racing | |
Bath | University of Bath | Team Bath Racing |
Belfast | University of Ulster | University of Ulster | |
Belfast | Queen's University Belfast | Queen's Formula Racing | |
Birmingham | University of Birmingham | UBRacing |
Bristol | University of the West of England | UWE Formula Student |
Cambridge | University of Cambridge | Full Blue Racing | |
Cardiff | Cardiff University, Wales | Cardiff Racing |
Coventry | Coventry University | Phoenix Racing | |
Coventry | University of Warwick | Warwick Racing | |
Dundee | University of Dundee | Will | |
Edinburgh | University of Edinburgh | Edinburgh University Formula Student | |
Glasgow | University of Strathclyde | University of Strathclyde Motorsport |
Glasgow | University of Glasgow | UGRacing |
Hamilton | University of the West of Scotland | Bell Racing | |
Hatfield | University Of Hertfordshire | University Of Hertfordshire |
Huddersfield | University of Huddersfield | Team HARE |
Kingston | Kingston University | Kingston Racing | |
Lancaster | Lancaster University | Lancaster Racing | |
Leeds | University of Leeds | Leeds Gryphon Racing | |
Liverpool | Liverpool John Moores University | LJMU Racing Team | |
Liverpool | University of Liverpool | University of Liverpool Motorsport |
London | University College London | UCL Formula Student Team | |
Loughborough | Loughborough University | LUMotorsport |
Manchester | Manchester Metropolitan University | MMU Racing | |
Manchester | University of Manchester | University of Manchester Formula Student | |
Oxford | Oxford Brookes University | Oxford Brookes Racing |
Portsmouth | University of Portsmouth | Formula Student Portsmouth | |
Preston | University of Central Lancashire | Formula UCLAN | |
Sheffield | University of Sheffield | Sheffield Formula Racing | |
Southampton | University of Southampton | SUFST | |
Swansea | Swansea University | Swansea Racing |
Swansea | University of Wales Trinity Saint David | SMU Racing | |
Uxbridge | Brunel University London | Brunel Racing |
Wolverhampton | University of Wolverhampton | asda | |
United States | 41 Teams | ||
Akron | The University of Akron | Zips Racing |
Ann Arbor | University of Michigan - Ann Arbor | MRacing |
Arlington | University of Texas at Arlington | UTA Racing |
Atlanta | Georgia Institute of Technology | GT Motorsports | |
Auburn | Auburn University | War Eagle Motorsports |
Austin | University of Texas at Austin | Longhorn Racing | |
Baton Rouge | Louisiana State University | TigerRacing | |
Bellingham | Western Washington University | Western Washington University Formula SAE | |
Cincinnati | University of Cincinnati | Bearcat Motorsports | |
Columbia | University of Missouri | Mizzou Racing | |
Columbus | The Ohio State University | Formula Buckeyes | |
Corvallis | Oregon State University | Global Formula Racing (US) |
Dearborn | The University of Michigan-Dearborn | The University of Michigan Dearborn Formula SAE | |
Denver | Regis University | Regis Uni FS Team | |
East Lansing | Michigan State University | Michigan State University Formula Racing Team |
Fullerton | California State University, Fullerton | Titan Racing Formula | |
Gainesville | University of Florida | GatorMotorsports | |
Ithaca | Cornell University | Cornell University | |
Lawrence | University of Kansas | Jayhawk Motorsports |
Madison | University of Wisconsin-Madison | University of Wisconsin-Madison Formula SAE | |
Mankato | Minnesota State University, Mankato | MNSU Motorsports | |
Mobile | Spring Hill College | SpringHill FS | |
Norman | University of Oklahoma | Sooner Racing Team | |
Northridge | California State University, Northridge | Matador Motorsports | |
Orem | Utah Valley University | UVU Racing | |
Orlando | University of Central Florida | Knight's Racing | |
Philadelphia | Drexel University | Drexel Racing | |
Pittsburgh | University of Pittsburgh | Panther Racing |
Platteville | University of Wisconsin-Platteville | Pioneer Racing | |
Pomona | California State Polytechnic University, Pomona | Cal Poly Pomona Formula SAE |
Rochester | Rochester Institute of Technology | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Rochester | Oakland University | Oakland University Formula SAE |
Rolla | Missouri University of Science and Technology | Missouri Science and Technology Racing | |
San José | San José State University | Spartan Racing | |
Seattle | University of Washington | UWashington Formula Motorsports |
Southfield | Lawrence Technological University | Blue Devil Motorsports | |
Tampa | University of South Florida | University of South Florida | |
Troy | Hudson Valley Community College | Loki Motorsports | |
University Park | Pennsylvania State University | Penn State Formula Racing | |
Urbana | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Illini Motorsport | |
West Lafayette | Purdue University - West Lafayette | Purdue FSAE | |
Venezuela | 3 Teams | ||
Baruta | Universidad Simón Bolívar | F-SAE USB | |
Caracas | Universidad Metropolitana | UNIMET MOTORSPORTS | |
Maracaibo | Universidad del Zulia | Formula SAE-LUZ |
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