Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

Driverless Cup - All Teams

The top 42 teams from the following list that participate in the competition may also participate in the Driverless Cup. The Driverless Cup targets teams with a car which already is capable of running driverless autocross and trackdrive.

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Driverless Cup - top 42

List CNT City/University Car Slot Team
FSG active DE Dresden TU 59 DC ELBFLORACE e.V.
FSG active SE Göteborg Chalmers 95 DC Chalmers Formula Student
FSG active IT Milano PT 90 DC Dynamis PRC
FSG active CH Zürich ETH 33 DC AMZ Racing Team
FSG active DE Karlsruhe KIT 76 DC KA-RaceIng Electric
FSG active DE München TU 31 TUfast Racing Team e-Technology
FSG active TW Hsinchu NTHU 68 NTHU Racing
FSG active DE Regensburg OTH 62 Dynamics e.V.
FSG active DE Landshut UAS 97 LA eRacing e.V.
FSG active TR Ankara METU 106 METU Formula Racing
FSG active DE Aachen RWTH 99 Ecurie Aix Formula Student Team RWTH Aachen e.V.
FSG active DE Kiel UAS 253 Raceyard E
FSG active ES Barcelona ETSEIB 54 BCN eMotorsport
FSG active DE Konstanz UAS 43 Bodensee Racing Team
FSG active BE Leuven KU 22 Formula Electric Belgium
FSG active ES Sevilla U 92 ARUS
FSG active GR Thessaloniki U 11 Aristotle University Racing Team Electric
FSG active NO Trondheim NTNU 63 Revolve NTNU
FSG active HU Budapest TU 14 BME Formula Racing Team (FSE)
FSG active CA Toronto U 284 University of Toronto Formula Racing
FSG active DE Hannover U 101 HorsePower Hannover
FSG active DE Hamburg TU 78 e-gnition Hamburg
FSG active SE Stockholm KTH 171 KTH Formula Student
FSG active DE Augsburg UAS 110 StarkStrom Augsburg e.V.
FSG active PT Lisboa IST 7 FST Lisboa
FSG active DE Göttingen HAWK 161 Blue Flash Mobility Concepts
FSG active CZ Prague CTU 42 eForce Prague Formula
FSG active PT Porto U 320 Formula Student FEUP
FSG active BE Ghent U 51 UGent Racing
FSG active NL Eindhoven TU 140 University Racing Eindhoven
FSG active DE Ravensburg DHBW 75 Global Formula Racing (DE)
FSG active DE Stuttgart DHBW 277 DHBW Engineering Stuttgart e.V.
FSG active DE München UAS 131 municHMotorsport
FSG active IT Napoli UNINA 122 UniNa Corse - Squadra Corse Federico II
FSG active PL Kraków AGH 30 AGH Racing EV
FSG active DE Magdeburg OvGU 20 UMD Racing e.V.
FSG active DE Ulm UAS 44 Einstein Motorsport
FSG active EE Tallinn TU UAS 124 FS Team Tallinn Electric
FSG active DE Deggendorf IT 41 Fast Forest
FSG active DE Darmstadt TU 240 TU Darmstadt Racing Team e.V.
FSG active IT Bologna U 188 UniBo Motorsport Electric
List CNT City/University Car Slot Team

Non-participating Teams

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Driverless Cup - non-participating

List CNT City/University Car Slot Team
FSG waiting DE Dortmund TU 172 GET racing Dortmund e.V.
FSG waiting DE Schweinfurt UAS 197 Mainfranken Racing
FSG waiting DE Bremen U 272 Bremergy e.V.
FSG waiting RU Moscow BMSTU 21 Bauman Racing Team
FSG waiting IL Be'er Sheva BGU 155 Ben-Gurion Racing
List CNT City/University Car Slot Team

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Partners of FSG 2025