Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

Pat's Corner

Category: Pat´s Corner

Last month I promised I would talk about tyres. The choice of tyre is one of the fundamental choices that should be made at the very first stage of…


Category: Pat´s Corner

Welcome again to Pats periodic ramble. The holiday season is all over and a new year has begun. Best wishes to all teams for the new season, and lets…


Category: Pat´s Corner

Hello again,

There seems to be a Formula Student or FS event every month these days, and as I write this column the Brazilian event is being run and…


Category: Pat´s Corner

Most Formula Student cars use Mountain Bike Shock absorbers similar to the Fox Vanilla RC Shock shown here.


Category: Pat´s Corner

This document is in no way an instruction sheet on how to design and build a car for Formula Student Germany. It is intended as an advisory document…


Category: Pat´s Corner

Hello, I have been invited by the organisers of FSG to become a Technical Advisor to the teams involved. Part of my responsibilities will be to write…


Partners of FSG 2025