Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

News Details

Update Published Scoring Data

Category: 2023

We hope all of you had a safe journey back home and a chance to catch up on some sleep.

Since our Award Ceremony II, a few changes have been made, which we want to share with you. Most of these have already been communicated through updates in the officially published Scoring Data directly after the event.


3rd Place Driverless Cup:

Unfortunately, the wrong team (Augsburg) was called to stage during the Award Ceremony. This was discovered during the Mahle Party and immediately communicated to the teams involved by officials on site.

3rd Place of the Driverless Cup: Lisboa IST, Car No. 50


Combustion Reunion:

TU Munich drove one lap more than necessary in the Endurance. Excluding this lap from the timekeeping changes the Overall winners to:

1st Place Combustion Reunion: TU Munich, Car No. H31

2nd Place Combustion Reunion: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Car No. H16

3rd Place Combustion Reunion: OTH Regensburg, Car No. H62


Trackdrive / Driverless Cup Overall:

Initially, there was a mistake in the "out of order running" penalty. This has been corrected in version 2 of the results, which changes the total points of some teams but did not affect the ranking. It does, however, have an impact on the overall Driverless Cup results (not the top 3 winners).


EV Overall:

A penalty should have been included for one team, which changes the order of the EV Teams, but has no influence on the top 3 teams.

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