Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

News Details

FSG 2023 - Battery Sponsorship for FSG Teams by Tesla

Category: Partners

As a part of our mission to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy, Tesla will be supporting student teams aspiring to build electric vehicles as part of Formula SAE and Formula Student competitions around the world.

For 2023 competitions, Tesla will offer a select number of teams sponsorship through several options:

  • Up to 10 kWh of battery cells shipped to the team free of charge. Teams may choose between the following cell options. Please login to see the datasheets on the following page:
    • Cylindrical 18650
    • Cylindrical 21700
    • Pouch 13 Ah 
    • Pouch 20 Ah 
    • Or a discount of $5,000 USD towards an order of hardware from Enepaq
  • Up to 30 ASIC chips from ADI or TI for a custom BMS, 1 development board, and general design support from our engineering team.

Interested teams must be planning to register for at least one student formula engineering competition in 2023 with an electric vehicle class, including but not limited to:

  • Formula SAE Michigan - June 2023
  • Formula Student Germany - August 2023

Teams must apply online HERE before Sunday, September 25, 2022 at 8:59 CEST and will need to provide a 1-page design brief.

Tesla will review proposals and select top teams to receive their choice of sponsorship option. Selected teams will be notified by October 1, 2022 and will be offered cells or a discount code after signing a liability release waiver.

Tesla will also offer sponsored teams the opportunity to review their designs with some of the world’s leading electric powertrain engineers and will provide guidance through the design and validation process.

We look forward to reviewing your team’s concept and hope together to accelerate the transition to sustainable energy!




Partners of FSG 2025