[Update]: On Tuesday, until 15:30, a maximum of 7 DV/EV team members with pink passes may enter specific areas on the venue. The only accessible areas…
Due to the limited space in Hockenheim and to ensure a well-ordered build-up and tear-down of the pits, each team can use ONLY ONE vehicle, called the…
The ESF is now online and can be submitted. Due to some changes in the structure of the ESF forms the process of bringing them online and working took…
Monday, 2017-09-18 first version of 2018 rules will be published, this version is meant to be close to final. FSG forum opens to collect feedback until…
A new running order for the Endurance event has been published. The former running order was created based on wrong data input regarding the lap times…
The FSE Engineering Design Event is the battle for the best designed and build Formula Student Electric car. Before the event each team uploaded a six…
After a light incident with a battery cell shortcut in the charging tent (no person harmed or affected) we have decided to allow only iinsulated tools…
For those who could not participate: download the Team Welcome and the Team Briefing - Tuesday Presentation on <link fsg rules>www.formulastudent.de/fsg/rules…
The FSG Team have been working together with the Hockenheim Ring and can confirm that the campsites C2, C3 and C4 have had multiple trees fall down as…
As every year, we are happy to offer our popular Guided Tours to our sponsors, visitors and friends. Our tour guides are all former participants of FS…