Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

Pat's Corner

Category: Pat´s Corner

In my last blog, I mentioned that some ‘beginner errors’ are creeping back into the designs we are seeing from some very experienced teams. I will…


Category: Pat´s Corner

Well, the summer is finished and the FS season is over for another year, so it is time to review the highpoints of the year.

FSG was another huge…


Category: Pat´s Corner

Today we have another first at Formula Student Germany: Pat’s Corner Live. All teams are invited to come by for advice from Pat Clarke. Feel free to…


Category: Pat´s Corner

Warning! Historical stuff!

I am often asked where I learned about this race car design stuff. Students want to know if they can learn the same way.…


Time for another column.

I have been busy over the last few weeks writing my share of a new FS/FSAE book that will hopefully be published in time for…


Category: Pat´s Corner

Well, 2011 has passed into history, so we are all a year older and hopefully a year wiser. I wish all teams around the world, the very best wishes for…


Category: Pat´s Corner

The first major event of the FSAE/FS season has passed with Oregon State/GFR winning the FSAE event at Michigan International Speedway a couple of…


It has been brought to our attention by one of our design judges that there is a very useful paper by prof. K.H. Bill on the complete layout and…


Category: Pat´s Corner

Well, 2010 is almost finished, cold weather has spread over Europe and hopefully we have all been good little children and Santa Claus has been kind…


Category: Pat´s Corner

In a recent email exchange with my fellow Chief Design Judge Steve Fox, the subject of ‘compliance’ came up. Steve wrote the following comment and it…


Partners of FSG 2025