Formula Student Germany

#FSG24 will take place from 12th to 18th of August 2024 in Hockenheim, the largest competition for electric and driverless vehicles worldwide!

There are 83 registered teams and 0 teams on the waiting list.

Online Ticket Shop is open!

We strongly recommend buying tickets online, as it is much quicker to get your wristband on site. No account is necessary for purchase. 
On site, only card payments are possible.


24. July 2024

FSG ZEISS Real-time Video Processing Award 2024

Category: 2024, Competition, Award, Partners

The ZEISS Embedded Video Processing Award will honor the best electronic system architecture and implementation of a real-time video processing solution for autonomous driving. We invite you to present the design choices for your...

22. July 2024

Formula Student Germany e.V honored with Bertha-and-Carl-Benz-Prize

Time to celebrate! Formula Student Germany e.V. is delighted to announce that it has been awarded the Bertha-and-Carl-Benz-Prize 2023. This prestigious award recognizes our efforts and achievements in introducing the Driverless...

14. July 2024

FSG Siemens Digital Twin Award - Q&A

Category: FSG Award, 2024, Partners

Meet with Siemens Judges & Experts to ask everything regarding the Digital Twin Award.Our Judges & Experts offer two sessions for you to ask anything you ever wanted to know about the Siemens Digital Twin Award. Session...

02. July 2024

Ask Me Anything Session: FSG MathWorks Modeling and Simulation Award 2024

Category: FSG Award, 2024, Partners

Join MathWorks Engineers for an Exclusive Ask Me Anything Live Session on the FSG MathWorks Modeling and Simulation Award 2024! Date: 5 July 2024 Time: 5:30 PM CEST Register here for the...

08. May 2024

FSG Siemens Digital Twin Award 2024

Category: Competition, Award, Partners, 2024

For the 6th year - at FSG 2024, Siemens Digital Industries Software is sponsoring the “FSG Siemens Digital Twin Award”, a 10.000 EUR award to recognize 3 teams which have either used the most professional and innovative Digital...

Partners of FSG 2024