News Details

19 January 2018 18:07

New Type of Answers in the Quiz for FSG2018 on Monday

We have updated the quiz server today in order to allow the entry of numbers without multiple choice. Please note that you have to use the exact number format according to the question, all other formats will not be accepted as a correct answer.

If the question requires "round the answer to a tenth" the following examples are valid:

8/-2 = -4.0
8/3 = 2.7
8/7 = 1.1
(always a point as decimal separator, numbers and minus if necessary)

If the question requires "round to the nearest one" the following examples are valid:

8/-2 = -4
8/3 = 3
8/7 = 1
(no decimal separator, only numbers and minus if necessary)

The test quiz server is updated every 15min. Please check if your login credentials are working, since we are not able to update them during the quiz on Monday.

test quiz:
real quiz:

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