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FSG_Logo_rgb.jpg 136 KB
FSG_Logo_rgb.pdf 14 KB
FSG_Logo_rgb.svg 15 KB
Terms of use / Nutzungsbedingungen
"Formula Student" is registered trademark. The FSG logos are also subject to international copyright laws.
EN: The right to use the FSG logo in an appropriate context is reserved to the teams, to the sponsors of the FSG event and to the press reporting on FSG. Other parties including the teams' sponsors are not allowed to use the FSG logo for any purpose.
DE: Teams, Sponsoren des FSG-Wettbewerb und Presse, die über die FSG berichtet, dürfen das FSG-Logo im entsprechenden Kontext frei verwenden. Anderen, die Sponsoren der Teams eingeschlossen, ist die Verwendung des FSG-Logos nicht gestattet.
short link: fsg.one/logos