All News

25. June 2016

Opel Style Award 2016 by Opel Design Center Germany

Category: Competition, 2016, FSC Award, FSE Award

Engage the attention to your car! To be a winning team several characteristics are required to set your team and your car apart from others. Team spirit, engagement, know-how, car performance and durability are probably the most...

16. June 2016

Technical Inspection Sheets FSG 2016: Now available, so be prepared!

Category: Competition, 2016

The Technical Inspection Sheets are now available in the important documents sections of both FSC&FSE. Use these documents for your own advantage and come perfectly prepared to the FSG competition by doing a test...

10. June 2016

Daimler Best E-Drive Packaging Award 2016: Apply now!

Category: Competition, 2016, FSE Award

The future has begun: Numerous electric and fuel cell test vehicles have proven their worth in field trials. We have demonstrated the technical feasibility of electromobility, the production of highly diverse vehicles is now...

09. June 2016

BASF Best Use of Fiber Reinforced Plastics Award 2016

Category: Competition, 2016, FSC Award, FSE Award

Why does BASF award a prize for the “Best Use of Fiber Reinforced Plastics”?High performance plastics are a very sophisticated form of chemicals and have a large variety. They can contain different types of fibers, fiber lengths,...

25. May 2016

FSC “Most Innovative Powertrain System” powered by MTU

Category: Competition, 2016, FSC Award

As a leading supplier of diesel engines for marine propulsion and off-highway applications, MTU is particularly committed to setting the benchmark in powertrain design. Each time our engineers tackle the task of pushing...

17. May 2016

FSG Award “Best Systems Engineering” powered by Schaeffler

Category: Competition, 2016, FSC Award, FSE Award

A Formula Student car – independent of being a combustion or an electric one - is a complex system interacting with the driver and its subsystems also interacting with each other. Handling this complexity is one of the main tasks...

10. May 2016

Vehicle Shipping & Letter of Invitation (Visa)

Category: Competition, 2016

Dear participants of FSG 2016, here are some important information and reminder for you: Vehicle ShippingAll teams that intend to have their car shipped to the Hockenheimring for FSG 2016 are kindly requested to take notice of...

26. April 2016

FSC & FSE Award "Best Prepared Car for Scrutineering"

Category: Competition, 2016, FSC Award, FSE Award

Would you like to be the first team in the scrutineering order of the FSG 2017 without any quiz? If your answer is yes you should read the following announcement for the “Best prepared car for scrutineering” award carefully.As...

23. April 2016

Scrutineering Quiz and Event Handbook 2016

Category: Competition, 2016, Registration

The order of the scrutineering queue for FSG 2016 will be determined by means of a scrutineering quiz like in the previous years. The scrutineering quiz will take place on Friday, April 29th, 12:00 CEST, and will be available...

20. April 2016

FSG 16: Scoring Business Plan Presentation

Category: Competition, 2016

For your better preparation of the Business Plan Presentation Event we have published the main categories and points of the judge evaluation sheet in the section “Rules & Important Documents” on the FSG Website (FSG &...

21. March 2016

Final participants for "FS Driverless Concept Award"

Category: Competition, FSD Award, 2016

After an overwhelming number of applications, the FSG officials are happy to invite 16 teams with the most promising abstracts to participate in the FSD concept award. Many brilliant ideas have been sketched by the teams and we...

18. March 2016

FSE 2016 Items Requests and Electrical System Forms

Category: Competition, 2016

Dear Formula Student Electric Teams, The web-based forms for ESF Add Item Request (EAIR) are now available. This year we have deleted “Sensors” and improved the "Fuse" category. Firstly, please check whether all...

15. March 2016

New version of the FSG rules 2016 published

Category: Competition, 2016

Please take a look at the updated FSG rules and the new SES approval form for monocoques in the rules section. You will find all changes in the changelog on the last page of the rules document. 2.3.2 New date and clarification...

09. March 2016

A success story in the making

Category: Competition, FSD Award, 2016

31 applicants for Formula Student Driverless Concept Award 2016

23. February 2016

Pat's Corner - Back to Basics

Category: Pat´s Corner, 2016

I have just returned from Formula Student India, where the importance of re-covering the basics became obvious. We forget the churn of students through Formula Student and often the basics are forgotten when new teams attempt to...

08. February 2016

FS Driverless Concept Award - Deadline and Prize Announcement

Category: Formula Student Driverless, FSG Award, Competition

As you have already heard, Formula Student Germany grants a special award for driverless competition concepts for the 2016 event. The winners will be awarded with prizes of 3,000, 2,000 and 1,000 Euros - isn't it a handy sum to...

25. January 2016

First successful step towards FSG 2016 – Registration is completed

Category: Competition, 2016

247 teams from all over the world (39 countries) participated in registration, a new record!

08. January 2016

Formula Student Driverless concept award task description published

Category: FSD Award, 2016

Dear teams and interested students, as announced previously, the Formula Student Germany grants a special award for driverless competition concepts for the 2016 event. Finally, we made it to be able to present the task...

04. January 2016

Registration for FSG 2016

Category: Competition, 2016

Dear teams, early registration for the FSG 2016 event starts in two weeks on January 18th 2016, 1200 CET. Main registration starts on January 25th 2016, 1200 CET. Please find the...

11. December 2015

FSG Rules 2016 published

Category: Competition

The rules set for year 2016 have been published in the rules section. The new rules represent adjustments that are results of the feedback and the observations made in the last years. The rules book documents the valid rules for...

17. September 2015

2015 FSG Workshop at Daimler AG in Sindelfingen

Category: 2015, Academy

The 2015 FSG Workshop will be held at Daimler AG in Sindelfingen on Saturday the 24th of October. The workshop offers support and information to teams (planning on) participating in Formula Student Combustion or Formula...

16. September 2015

10 Years Formula Student Germany - Thank You for the Birthday wishes!

Category: General, 2015

As we celebrated our 10th Anniversary this year we were overwhelmed by all the good wishes we received from every single one of you. Thank you!!! Particularly, we were fascinated by a breathtaking video produced by Katja...

02. August 2015

The winners of FSG 2015 are...

Category: General, Competition, 2015

... the team with car E85 from TU Delft for the Formula Student Electric (FSE) class and the team with car 1 from Oregon State University/Ravensburg in the combustion class (FSC). Thanks to all the friends...

02. August 2015

19 successful finishers in first part of Endurance event

Category: General, Competition, 2015

So far todays Endurance Event sees 19 successful finishers. All morning the first 60 teams of Formula Student Germany 2015 have competed on the 22KM long racetrack to test the durability of their cars. The longer the event, the...

02. August 2015

Merchandising Formula Student Germany - dress up FSG 2015

Category: General, 2015

For the first time participants, visitors and guest have the opportunity to purchase Formula Student Germany Souvenirs. All merchandising is displayed in the FSG Forum at the Info Counter. Check out our shirts, hoodies and...

02. August 2015

Finally: The Endurance event has started

Category: General, Competition, 2015

On this final day of Formula Student Germany 2015 the Endurance event takes place.It is the last of the dynamic disciplines and probably the most exciting one.All cars that have passed the previous disciplines compete on the 22...

02. August 2015

Running order of todays Endurance Event

Category: General, Competition, 2015

The running order for todays Endurance Event is published. The order was determined by the cars results in yesterdays Autocross Event. Please all teams check their starting position and come to the start of Endurance in time!

01. August 2015


Category: General, Competition, 2015

On the fourth day of Formula Student Germany the static events are over, and the first dynamic events have been completed. All current results are listed...

01. August 2015

Formula Student Germany Sponsorship Challenge excites Vips and students alike

Category: General, Competition, 2015

Everybody at FSG watched today when the customized concept vehicles built by sponsors with the help of participating teams competed on the famous Hockenheimring start-finish line.  The sponsors had only four days to...

01. August 2015

Guided Tours 2015

Category: General, 2015

As every year, we are happy to offer our popular Guided Tours to our sponsors, visitors and friends. Our tour guides are all former participants of FS events who are now members of the organizational team of the Formula Student...

01. August 2015

Dynamics continue - Autocross & Acceleration Events 2015

Category: General, Competition, 2015

After yesterday’s Award Ceremony Part 1 most static events are over and every team is now eager to do well during the dynamic events, which can be observed from the grand stands.  First is acceleration. It takes place on...

01. August 2015

Opel Board Member awards team with a team car at Formula Student Germany 2015

Category: General, FSG Award, 2015

Charlie Klein, Vice President Vehicle Engineering, Europe, and Member of the Board of Adam Opel AG, handed over the keys of an Opel Adam S to the team of Augsburg UAS for winning the Opel "Style Award" at...

01. August 2015

FSG2015 Results - Award Ceremony Part One

Category: Competition, 2015

Congratulations to all winners - the first prizes of FSG 2015 have been awarded during tonights Award Ceremony Part 1. We congratulate all teams that have received their well deserved awards tonight, your dedication, time and...

31. July 2015

Die Currywurst

Category: General, 2015

With the Polo WRC showcar, Volkswagen brings along a masterpiece of engineering and innovation to the Hockenheimring this year, but this is not all they have to offer. On Saturday, 01. August 2015 as of 06:30 p.m., you will have...

31. July 2015

Formula Student International Council

Category: General, 2015

Once again, the representatives of Formula Student events from all over the world got together to discuss ideas and possible developments of these competitions. Delegates from Thailand, India, Japan, China, Germany, Hungary,...

31. July 2015

And the three FSC Business Plan finalists are…

Category: General, Competition, 2015

Tonight the FSC Business Plan Presentation finals take place in the Marquee above Pits. The three finalists are (in order of final presentation): 16 Montréal McGill41 Munich TU43 Konstanz UAS The winner will be...

31. July 2015

Update of FSG 2015 Sponsor Challenge (FSGS)

Category: FSG Award, Competition, 2015

Participating sponsors are requested to show on Saturday morning for a full drivers briefing at 9.30 in the Marquee above Pits.  The acceleration line up is on Saturday at 12.45 in the pit lane in front of Box 2/3 for...

31. July 2015

Watch FSG 2015 live

Category: General, 2015

Again, everybody can follow the dynamic events on the Hockenheimring live on .Right now you can watch skidpad, the first dynamic discipline.

31. July 2015

Schaeffler Special Award now in FSG Forum

Category: General, FSG Award, 2015

For the first time Schaeffler submits the Special Award “Best Wheel Hub Drive”. This years’ teams are E013 UAS Munich, E014 TU Dresden, E026 University of Stuttgart, E085 TU Delft, E023 OTH Amberg, E033 ETH Zurich, E077...

31. July 2015

Daimler Special Award now in FSG Forum

Category: Competition, FSG Award, 2015

Eight teams compete in the finals for the special award "Best E-Drive Packaging", sponsored by Daimler.  This years’ teams are E096 UAS Zwickau, E085 TU Delft, E011 Corvallis OSU, E026 University of Stuttgart,...

31. July 2015

BASF Special Award now in FSG Forum

Category: Competition, FSG Award, 2015

Six teams compete in the finals for the special award "Best Use of Fiber Reinforced Plastic", sponsored by BASF.  This years’ teams are C076 Munich UAS, E026 University of Stuttgart, E085 Delft TU, C017 Rochester...

31. July 2015

Finally, the first dynamic event takes places today: Skidpad

Category: General, Competition, 2015

Skidpad measures the cornering speed of the car. At Formula Student Germany, the cars perform the skid pad on a wet track, making it the Wet Pad. The Wet Pad guarantees similar track conditions for all teams, namely very wet. The...

31. July 2015

Static Event Results of Formula Student Electric

Category: Competition, General, 2015

After a whole day of presenting, evaluating and judging you can now find the results of the yesterdays Electric cars Cost and Business Plan Presentation events in the data below.The winners will be announced during...

31. July 2015

FSC static events take place today

Category: General, Competition, 2015

Today we enter the second round of static events. This time it is the Formula Student Combustion teams turn to present the underlying concept of their race cars. During the day, FSC teams will present the technical solutions,...

30. July 2015

The second day of Scrutineering is over

Category: General, Competition, 2015

On the second day of scrutineering 95 FSE and FSC teams were seen by the technical inspectors, 38 electric cars and 57 combustion cars. At the end of a long day, 24 FSC and 2 FSE teams successfully passed the complete...

30. July 2015

Tough Day at FSE Statics

Category: General, Competition, 2015

Today all FSE teams had to present the underlying concept of their cars to industry judges. The overall package counts. Technical solution, cost analysis and business plan - all three aspects are crucial to a team’s success. The...

30. July 2015

First Test Drive

Category: General, Competition, 2015

The cars who have successfully passed scrutineering are now allowed to test their cars on the racetrack.

30. July 2015

And the three FSE Business Plan finalists are…

Category: Competition, 2015

Tonight at 7:00 pm the FSE Business Plan Presentation finals take place in the Marquee above Pits.The three finalists are (in order of final presentation): E11 Corvallis Osu, E13 Munich UAS, E33 Zurich...

30. July 2015

FSG Opel Style Award now in the FSG Forum

Category: General, Competition, FSG Award, 2015

The five finalists for the Opel Style Award at FSG 2015 are E007 DHBW Stuttgart, E042 TU Darmstadt, E069 UAS Augsburg, C062 OTH Regensburg, C074 TU Brno.The winners will be announced during tomorrows Award Ceremony Part 1.

30. July 2015

MTU Special Award now in FSG Forum

Category: Competition, FSG Award, 2015

Four teams compete in the finals for the special award "Most Innovative Powertrain", sponsored by MTU.  This years teams are C074 TU Brno, C062 OTH Regensburg, C002 University of Stuttgart, C103 TU Berlin Each...

30. July 2015

FSG 2015 Sportsmanship Award

Category: Competition, FSG Award, General, 2015

As every year, there will be a Sportsmanship Award presented by the FSG Executive Committee. We would like to ask all teams to nominate a team they think should win the Sportsmanship Award.Deadline for nomination is Sunday 15:00...

30. July 2015

FSE static events take place today

Category: Competition, 2015

Today, FSE static events Engineering Design, Cost Report and Business Plan Presentation take place. During the day, FSE teams will present the technical solutions, business cases as well as cost plans of their Formula Student...

29. July 2015

Safety first: technical scrutineering and engine testing starts today

Category: Competition, 2015

Today all cars start the scrutineering to determine their technical safety before being allowed to participate in the dynamic events. A very nerve wrecking time for the teams and the first test of their engineering design...

29. July 2015

FSGS - Formula Student Sponsors Challenge

Category: Competition, FSG Award

A new Formula Student is born – FSGS (Formula Student Sponsors) or how we call it: Pimp My Ride. Every Sponsor received a basic vehicle (Bobby Car) which shall be tuned and customised by Sunday where they will be judged by a...

28. July 2015

FSG 2015: The Doors Are Open!

Category: General, Competition, 2015

We’d like to warmly welcome you to Formula Student Germany 2015 at the Hockenheimring where everything is set up and ready for the 110 participating teams who are currently arriving. We are awaiting approximately 3500 students...

28. July 2015

Judging Schedule Special Award Finals

Category: General, FSG Award, FSC Award, FSE Award, 2015

First day of Formula Student 2015 and the first results are available. We are happy to announce the finalists and schedules for all Special Awards of FSG15. The judges read a lot of exciting applications. In addition to this it...

27. July 2015

The Countdown is running...

Category: Competition

It’s already been one year that Formula Student Germany was held at the Hockenheimring. Here we go again – FSG 2015 started for the volunteers at 8am today. We are currently setting up the event site and are very much looking...

25. July 2015

Pat's Corner: Design Error of the Month

Category: Competition

Hello again and welcome to FSG in less than a week.As most regular readers know, I usually end the column with a 'Design Error of the Month'. Well, this month, the entire article is about a design error, a failure and the teams...

23. July 2015

A current topic from Pat's archive: Towing Your Trailer Safely

Category: Competition

In April 2006, a team from the University of Mankato in Minnesota,  attending FSAE in Michigan, lost control of their trailer in a cross wind and crashed into opposing traffic. Three students were killed and several others...

16. July 2015

Technical Inspection Sheets now available

Category: Competition, 2015

The Technical Inspection Sheets are now available on the FSG-Website under Rules & Important Documents for FSC & FSE. It is highly recommended to use these Technical Inspection Sheets to prepare your car for the FSG...

15. July 2015

Special Awards - apply until 17th July 2015

Category: Competition, 2015, FSG Award, FSC Award, FSE Award

Do not forget to apply for the Special Awards 2015! Participate in the Special Awards to increase your chances of winning a trophy during FSG 2015. The awards will be handed over during the official award ceremonies on Friday and...

15. July 2015

FSE 2015 “Best Wheel Hub Drive Award” powered by Schaeffler

Category: Competition, 2015, FSE Award

The wheel hub drive is one of the most promising technologies when it comes to “mobility for tomorrow”. The globally-active Schaeffler Group explores urban and suburban areas to develop new vehicle concepts using the E-Wheel...

27. June 2015

Vehicle Status Video

Category: General, Competition, 2015

Dear teams,The upload deadline for your vehicle status video comes closer. "All teams must upload a video showing the car running under his own power prior the competition. The Vehicle Status Video and Vehicle Status ...

21. June 2015

“Opel Style Award” – We like Car Styling!

Category: Competition, 2015, FSC Award, FSE Award

Together with Opel’s premiere as an official Formula Student Germany Sponsor, we are pleased to announce a new special award for all teams participating in Formula Student Germany. Opel is currently experiencing one of the...

16. June 2015

“Most Innovative Powertrain System” powered by MTU

Category: Competition, 2015, FSC Award

As a leading supplier of diesel engines for marine propulsion and off-highway applications, MTU is particularly committed to setting the benchmark in powertrain design. Each time our engineers tackle the task of pushing...

16. June 2015

Call for Startups at Formula Student Germany 2015

Category: Competition, 2015, Academy

Apply now: FSG offers a stage for one Startup Company again this year to present itself during the competition at the Hockenheimring.

15. June 2015

Check your team member designation: deadline is coming this friday!

Category: Competition

Dear teams, FSG 2015 is coming soon and a lot of team members are already registered. But keep in mind that the deadline for your team member designation as participant is set to this week´s Friday, the 19th of June....

14. June 2015

Daimler Best E-Drive Packaging Award 2015: Apply now!

Category: Competition, 2015, FSE Award

The future has begun: Numerous electric and fuel cell test vehicles have proven their worth in field trials. The technical feasibility of electromobility has been demonstrated, the production of highly diverse vehicles is now...

13. June 2015

BASF Best Use of Fiber Reinforced Plastics Award 2015

Category: Competition, 2015, FSC Award, FSE Award

Why does BASF as The Chemical Company award a prize for the “Best Use of Fiber Reinforced Plastics”? High performance plastics are a very sophisticated form of chemicals and have a large variety. They can contain different types...

02. June 2015

DEKRA – Best prepared car for scrutineering 2015

Category: Competition, FSC Award, FSE Award

In any racing event, safety is of key importance. DEKRA is one of the world’s leading expert organisations and Technical Partner of Formula Student Germany and has been in charge of safety inspections on the vehicles since FSG...

28. May 2015

“Audi Vorsprung Award” - best lightweight concept

Category: Competition, 2015, FSC Award, FSE Award

There are no compromises when it comes to the finest sports car engineering. Technical precision and performance must be pushed to the limits – and beyond. Audi pioneered the use of aluminum in manufacturing car bodies. With fuel...

19. May 2015

Vehicle Shipping FSG 2015

Category: Competition

All teams that intend to have their car shipped to the Hockenheimring for FSG 2015 are kindly requested to take notice of the document on vehicle shipping that can be found under the Rules & Important documents section on...

13. May 2015

ESF Add Item Request (EAIR) and Electrical System Form (ESF) available!

Category: Competition, 2015

Dear Formula Student Electric Teams, The forms for ESF Add Item Request (EAIR) and Electrical System Form (ESF) are now available. Similar to last year, it will be handled completely web-based. This year we have added...

20. April 2015

Pat's Corner - The Money Tree

Category: Pat´s Corner, 2015

I regularly get asked by teams how they can get more sponsorship. No team ever had enough money regardless of their budget and as Formula Student cars get more sophisticated, so the cost of competing increases.  My usual...

19. April 2015

FSG 2015 | Scoring Business Plan Presentation

Category: General, Competition

For your better preparation of the Business Plan Presentation Event we have published the main categories and points of the judge evaluation sheet in the section “Rules & Important Documents” on the FSG Website. Please be...

01. April 2015

BBC Top Gear will not visit Formula Student Germany

Category: General, Competition, 2015

To celebrate the 10th edition of Formula Student Germany the organizers had planned to allow two extra teams to the competition, as a surprise for all participating students. These would not be just any teams, but two very...

10. March 2015

UVV Workshop on handling of high voltage systems in road vehicles

Category: General, 2015

DEKRA Automobil GmbH offers a workshop on handling of high voltage (HV) systems on board of road vehicles. The workshop will be held on April 9th from 9:00 until 16:00 o’clock in Stuttgart, the language of the workshop will be...

02. March 2015

Review on the welding workshop at SLV

Category: Workshops, 2015, Academy

On 13 and 14 February 2015 the annual welding workshop in the SLV Mannheim was held with 30 participants from different formula student teams.After a welcome by Dr. Ludwig Vollrath (FSG) and Mr. Ernst Bauer (SLV) the...

16. February 2015

!!! Join our team of volunteers to take part in our 10th anniversary !!!

Category: 2015

In 2015, Formula Student Germany will be held at the Hockenheimring in Germany for the tenth time. FSG has always thrived on the enthusiastic support of a large number of volunteers, our so-called "Red...

14. February 2015

Guideline for the definition of an aerodynamic device mounting

Category: Competition, 2015

A large number of rule clarification requests for FSAE rule T9.3.1.b have been received for FSG 2015, with the question if the wing mounting is part of the aerodynamic device. To help teams figure out if their design of an...

11. February 2015

Formula Student Germany starts successfully into its jubilee year

Category: Registration, Competition, 2015

199 Teams from all over the world want to be at the 10th Formula Student Germany at the Hockenheim Ring

09. January 2015

Season Greetings

Category: General, Competition, 2015

Dear sponsors, judges, team members, officials, friends! We all wish you a happy and healthy new year! The 2014 FS year is over as well as the calendar year. In a few days we will see a run towards the registration of many FS...

12. December 2014

Pat's Corner - Communication with Judges

Category: Pat´s Corner, 2014

Communication Formula Student was founded with the intention of preparing graduating students for a life in Industry. What is usually quoted is the 'finishing' of young engineer's education by giving them a 'real' project to...

19. November 2014

FSG Rules 2015 & Rules-Tool

Category: 2015

Hello everybody, the rules for FSC 2015 and FSE 2015 are now online. In the last 12 months we had more than 1200 requests related to the rules of FSC and FSE. Because of the high workload behind that we created a special tool...

19. September 2014

FSG Media Award Winner 2014

Category: 2014, Academy, FSG Award

Some of you could hardly await the announcement of the media award winner 2014 so let’s go for it: This year again we had many teams that participated on the competition to win the FSG Media Award. Because you all created great...

10. September 2014

2014 FSG Workshop at Continental AG in Hanover

Category: Academy, 2014

The 2014 FSG workshop will be held at Continental AG facility in Hanover on Saturday the 18th of October. The workshop offers support and information to teams (planning on) participating in Formula Student Combustion or Formula...

04. August 2014

Formula Student Poem - a gift from FSG to you!

Category: Competition, 2014

Dear friends of FSG. The Formula Student Germany 2014 has passed. We enjoyed it more than ever and we wish to express our unlimited gratefulness that all of you contributed to all these special and unforgettable moments. FSG...

04. August 2014

The winners of FSG 2014 are...

Category: Competition, 2014

The winner of Formula Student Germany 2014 is the team with car E33 from ETH Zuerich for the Formula Student Electric (FSE) class and car 1 from Global Formula Racing from Oregon State University/Ravensburg in the combustion...

03. August 2014

FSG 2014 Sportsmanship Award

Category: General, Competition, 2014

As every year, there will be a Sportsmanship Award presented by the FSG Executive Committee. We would like to ask all teams to nominate a team they think should win the Sportsmanship Award. Deadline for nomination is Sunday...

03. August 2014

Results Autocross and Acceleration Events 2014

Category: General, Competition, 2014

The results of the Acceleration and Autocross Events 2014 without top five have been published. click here for FSC resultsclick here for FSE results

02. August 2014

Formula Student International Council

Category: General, Competition, 2014

Once again, the representatives of the worldwide Formula Student events got together to discuss the future and development of these competitions. Delegates from Australia, China, Germany, Hungary, India, Russia, Spain, Thailand...

02. August 2014

Pat's Corner Live @FSG2014

Category: Competition, 2014, Pat´s Corner

This year you can meet our Chief Design Judge Pat - known from many famous article concerning engineering design topics - live in our recreation area on the FSG event site. Pat’s Corner live is the best possibility to discuss...

01. August 2014

First Winners of Special Awards 2014

Category: Competition, FSC Award, FSE Award, 2014

The first Special Award trophies were handed over to the teams with the best performance in these disciplines. The winner received their trophies and earnings during the first Award Ceremony on Friday night.BASF „Best Use Of...

01. August 2014

Special Awards Day 2

Category: Competition, 2014, FSC Award, FSE Award

Today the schedule of the day included 11 hours of judging in the FSG Forum for FSE as well as FSC teams. 13 teams presented their special knowledge in the categories:“Best Use of Fiber Reinforced Plastic”powered by BASF“Best...

01. August 2014

Ground Clearance #FSG2014

Category: General, Competition, 2014

According to rule T6.2 in only five areas it is allowed to touch the ground on the track with the car. You can find these special zones marked in red on the attached picture. Touching the ground outside of these areas will lead...

31. July 2014

Panoramic Picture #FSG2014

Category: General, Competition, 2014

Here it comes: The one and only panoramic photo which was taken yesterday! Even without the sun shining, it's a great picture anyway with 115 teams and 3600 students.Thanks for everyone's patience and don't forget to look for...

31. July 2014

Special Awards Day 1

Category: Competition, 2014, FSC Award, FSE Award

Today the static disciplines have been started. Next to the Cost, Engineering Design and Business Plan Presentation events the Special Awards finals from Henkel and MTU took place. In both events the teams presented their car...

30. July 2014

Panoramic Photo - preview

Category: General, 2014, Competition

Thank you to the teams for their patience in helping to create one of the most spectacular photos of the season!  Today, almost 115 teams pushed their cars to the dynamics area where they waited patiently as the officials...

30. July 2014

Press vest for the FSG teams

Category: General, Competition, 2014

From Friday, every team has the chance to get one press vest at the Event Control for a deposit of 50 €. If you would like to take photos before Friday, for example during scrutineering, your camera guy or girl has to use one of...

30. July 2014

Welcome to FSG 2014

Category: General, Competition, 2014

After an intense weekend of setting up the site, the gates opened at around 6pm last night and the teams were allowed onto the site to set up their pits. Just from the initial nighttime walk through the pits, it is clear to see...

Displaying results 201 to 300 out of 587

Partners of FSG 2024